Journal content № 7/2016
Philosophy, PSYCHOLOGY, LOGICS and Sociology of Law
Desiatnyk V. The problem of the empirical basis of scientific theories
Matviichuk A. Contemporary State of Statutory Regulation of Personal Non-Property Rights in the Sphere of Natural Environmental Protection in Foreign Countries
Kovalovа T. The concept of the enactment on criminal liability in the space in the Ukrainian legislation and law
Matviychuk V. Theoretical and applied problems distinguishing crime under Art. 242 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and related crimes and similar administrative offense
Oleiinik V.Actus Reus of a Crime, Stated in the Par. 243 of The CC of Ukraine
Servetskyy I. Some problems of criminal liability for espionage
Soloviova A. The article analyzes some aspects of criminal-legal protection of property in Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia)
Кhar I. Theoretical and applied problems of the committer of crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of person under the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Nagolova I. The proof of event of a criminal offense during the investigation (search) action