Requirements for articles
of the «Juridical Science» journal
new requirements for articles
Articles sent to the Editor of "Juridical science", according to the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine decree №7D05 / 1 dated January 15, 2003 "On increasing demands for specialized issues listed in HAC of Ukraine" should include the following:
- A scientific article should be relevant, with clearly defined problematic issues, include scientific positions developed by the author, the conclusions of scientific and practical importance of scientific work.
- The paper should include the following elements:
- a problem and its relation to important scientific and practical tasks;
- analysis of recent researches and publications on the issue to be considered;
- definition of specific issues that are not solved in the problem for research chosen;
- formulation of the objectives of the article;
- summary of the main conclusions of the study;
- conclusions of this study;
- internal structure - sections with names or selected parts.
- References to this or that research should be placed in brackets according to the number of mentioning in the list of references with indication of appropriate page ([3, p. 12]).
A list of sources at the end of the article are compiled in accordance with International Standard of Ukraine DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 “A System of Standards on Information, Librarianship and publishing. A Bibliographic Notation. A Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Rules of Composition”.
- After he references are added abstracts and keywords in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English).
- Abstracts should include: an author's name, a title of the article in (Ukrainian, Russian and English) languages. The authors should pay attention that there should be an abstract in English and half a page A-4 (in a separate file).
- The article and the abstract should be named:
- issue number should be placed before the name (11, 4, 7, etc.);
- dot after the number of issue you should place 2 last figures of the year (14, 15, etc.);
- underscores (_), then the type of document note - abstract topic - Article;
- after the title of the articles, underscores (which separate code with the author's name) you should place the author's last name, name in English and initials.
Example: 11.14_note_Olenenko A.doc (where «note» - markS annotations) or 11.14_ topic _Olenenko A.doc. (Where the topic - refer to the article).
- Publication (title, information about author, text, references, abstract, keywords) should not exceed 20-30 000 signs.
Additions to the scientific article:
- An electronic version of the article in a format MS Word (docx or doc);
- Information about the author in Ukrainian and English (surname, first name, middle name (in full), academic degree, academic status, place of work and position, mailing address, telephone number);
- A statement signed by the author (s) that sent the article is had been not printed and have not given to any other editions;
- a photo of the author (s) in the format jpg, tif;
- Qualitative illustrative materials supplied by a name and number suitable for scanning;
- Extract from the minutes of the Department with recommendation of the article for publication, duly certified (for the Articles of Ph.D., graduate students and adjunct academic degree).
- an article submitted to the editor without complying with these requirements shall not be published.
Editors reserve the right to review, edit, and reduce decline articles.
For authenticity of the article the author is responsible for.
The royalties are not paid for the publication.
Reprints of published materials in the journal are made only with the permission of the author and the publisher.
Available materials are not returned.
(in MS Word format)