Articles, journal # № 6/2013


Theory of law
Matviichuk V.K., Stetsyura V. Mothern conceptions of the legal state
Robert Piszko. Role of custom in the formation of the directives of law interpretation

Shuba B.V. Protection of property interests of the creditors of the economic society (comparative analysis)

Sambor M.A. Compliance with the terms of the case on administrative violation under Art. 173 (hooliganism) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences and the use of administrative detention during the consideration of this case
Yurchenko A., Servetsky I., Saprunov А. Strategic constructing of police units (police) Ukraine

Reshnyuk A.V. General theoretical position for further clarification of the perpetrator attempt on the life advocate or representative of a person in connection with the activities related to the provision of legal aid.

Law of criminal procedure
Karpenko N., Bandurovich A. jury in Ukraine
Karpenko M., Bojko L.I. The concept of criminal justice for juveniles in Ukraine
Karpenko M.I., Zorua O.D., Malova O.O. The agreement on the reconciliation in the criminal proceedings

Karpenko N. An investigation of war crimes - one of the forms of struggle for strengthening military discipline and order in military formations of Ukraine

Satskyy P. Byzantine influence on the evolution of political-law status of the Kiev Grand Prince

Kolomiiets K. Legal service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: current state and development prospects
Pashinsky V., Svistilnik I. The legal regulation of social and legal protection of the military in Ukraine

Review of the monograph Armash N. "State politicians. Formation and the prospects for their administrative and legal status "

Personalia. Congratulations on the anniversary of assistant professor, colonel of justice stock, deputy editor of the scientific journal "Law Science" Karpenko M.
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