Articles, journal # № 10/2014
Olga Lotyuk. Political Parties in the context of civil societyCIVIL LAW
Matviichuk A.O. Ways to Improve Ukrainian Legislation, Which Regulates Personal Non-Property Rights in the Sphere of Natural Environmental Protection
Butsko O.V. The concept of a crime under Art. 239-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Zvonenko О.О. Comparative-legal characteristic of the offense violation of the rules, regulations and standards relating to the provision of traffic
Melnichenko V.L. Generic object crime under Article 250 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Oleinichuk O.M.The objective side of corpus delicti under Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Soloviova Alina. Crimes against property under the Criminal law of USA
Criminal law enforcement
Denisov S., Bosak K. The Penal Law in Ukrainian Tables of Universal Decimal Classification
Azarov Y., Rafalskyi E. Features of the interaction of the investigator with an expert (professional) at the initial stage of pre-trial investigation
Bilous O.V. Some issues of house arrest application in criminal proceedings
Kuzmicheva-Кіslenko Y.V. A defender is in the criminal process of Ukraine
Malyarchuk T.V., Stashuk T.A. Features the activities of the police in Finland: Drawing a positive experience of Ukraine
Servetsky I.V. Theoretical and methodological foundations undercover investigation
Averochkina Tetyana. The Sovereign rights of the coastal State in respect of legitimate activities on the continental shelf: the problem aspects of legislative support in Ukraine
Galushchenko G.V. Procedural consequences of non-use and misuse of foreign law
Review of the textbook V.I. Swan, N.A. Mozharovsky, L.L. Neskorodzhenoy "Commercial Law"
Congratulations on the anniversary of Yury Viktorovich Nikitin